check these puppies out:
for the record, she has asked that her hair is not included in order that any girls reading are not instantly driven into a frenzy of jealousy that casues them to damage their computers. in some way.
anyway, i'm so angry i nearly did an overly long and doubtless unnecessary post about the deeply unfunny slabrity big brother racism controversy. thankfully (for you that is dear reader), as i do so often in these situations, it thought, "what would linda smith do?" and the answer was painfully obvious.
she once said: "i don't really want to talk about jeffrey archer because i don't want to give him the oxygen of publicity. in fact, i'm not really certain i'm happy with him having the oxygen of oxygen."
this sums up my feelings on the whole matter so well, that i am relieved from commenting further.
it does, however, suggest an incredibly satisfying solution to the whole affair.